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  1. Thank you very much for the reply TwinOaks. Is vegetable tanned leather available in lighter weights like 3oz (I'm just guessing that the leather in the photos is around 3oz)? Wouldn't that thickness be able to get me the softness I desire? Also, are garment/chap leathers as durable as vegetable tanned? Will I have to worry about them stretching out?
  2. Hello, I'm kind of new to the leather thing and I don't really understand all the different kinds and what exactly is the kind I need. Basically I'm interested in creating some bags, but not the thick stiff leather bags. More of a softer leather. I don't want a lot of texture on the leather and I'm looking for light browns, medium browns, medium grays, and blacks. Attached is a closeup photo of some gray leather that is along the lines of what I have in mind. Any guidance you guys could offer me in this arena would be great. What type of cow leather will be able to get me something like I want? Is there any kind of process I'll need to apply to get the smooth minimal-texture look I want? Will I be able to buy the leather in the colors I want or will I need to look into dying it? Sorry for all the questions, but I really am new and very excited about learning more. Again, any help you could offer me would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
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