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Everything posted by Cuhail

  1. Thanks steelhawk. This is all much smaller than the swords I normally scabbard up, so, I was quite happy that the customers liked them. MurphyB)
  2. I don't show off too often at all, but, I've had a couple successful commissions that really popped. Both are small, but, I had a good time doing them. First is a hunter knife sheath that a guy brought me. He loved the original sheath and wanted the carved tip of the sheath transferred to a new sheath. I think it came out okay. The new sheath next to the old one. (Electrical tape! ) Like I said, I think it came out nice! The second one was for a twisted file dagger by Iron Wolf Forge. I went with a more medieval look on this one since the buyer was a Bristol Ren Faire patron. This one came out sweet, I think. It's been a fun summer! Murphy :cool:
  3. Thanks Biggun! I am a scale modeler, so, I dig the vacuum-formed idea. I think the hand-moulding over a form is the common-sense answer I was looking for. That makes it a bit less daunting. (It's always hardest before ya start!) Thanks all. If there's anything else I might need to know, please chime in. You can never receive enough technique tips! Cuhail
  4. Oh there's a million possibilities to the art. For me, though? My interests? Masks and skull caps. Shoulder, elbow and knee armor. Feast wares. (Bowls and plates) Weapon holstering/scabbarding. I could go on forever, but, I'm looking for the basics of the technique. A starting point of information. I figured there might be a common procedure for it and then it would branch out into all the specific artforms. Just need somewhere to begin looking into it. Cuhail
  5. Okay, I've looked. I always look before I ask. I found some individual threads on leather moulding, but, I'm very surprised there isn't an idividual forum section for this art form. I really want to look into the process of moulding leather, but, I can't find anything really. Just some finished topics in the Mask section, but, nothing on the processes to acheive results. Can anyone help? Cuhail
  6. Ha! Another new guy from IL! Douglais, do you have a gallery of your work? I'd love to see some of your helmet work! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nighthawk- Nice work, OP! I'm glad you had a mentor to guide you as well as he did, and good on ya for the tribute! I guess I can show off one in my introduction to ya. Here's my Windlass Irish sword with a custom oak grip and custom scabbard. Wood-core with leather overwrap. (Jeez! I hope that doesn't mess with the page size! I didn't realize it'd be that big!) The leather I use is provided by the closest thing to a mentor I have- My boss at the Faire booth! LOL!!! Very cool projects! CuhailB)
  7. WOW, fantastic work! I'd wear that to Faire, and PROUDLY at that. I wanna make one now! Cuhail
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