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Everything posted by HamraBDG

  1. Hi Jimmy, thank you for your compliments and advises, I've a question for you ... using Neat-Lac I can to give gel antique on leather? My best regards
  2. Hi, my names is Luca, I'm italian boy with a big love for the leather and carving. I know the world of carving a year ago and here I put the pictures of all my works: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Roma-Italy/Leather-work-Bottega-dello-Gnomo/46737139952 So I have always used as gloss finish the "SUPER SHENE" (TLF) but I often found a problem with this product, it's not uniformly bright, I tried to give the product with various techniques to no avail. I tried using other products to be made later as oil and / or product "CARNAUBA" ... result was better but still not satisfactory!!! Let me know if you know a product to be used after the Super Shene, if you know a precise way to use it or if you know any other better products stretching into account that I always use the antiquing gel as the final stage AscoltaTrascrizione fonetica My best regards Luca
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