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Everything posted by deft

  1. deft

    Kill The Newb!

    naw, that was for the zombie apocalypse... i imagine with so many swords... the renn faire might be safest. this entire conversation has become even too surreal for me, and i wear costumes at least twice a month. go figure.
  2. deft

    Kill The Newb!

    I'll put you down for "among the first to die".
  3. deft

    Kill The Newb!

    Sweet. I admin a forum as well.. so I make everyone be nice too! Then again, i figure leather making types are a bit more civil than the car modification crowd (unless you have a large contingent of adolescent wanna be race car drivers here? ha!) I'll be nosing around to check out everyones stuff shortly. btw denise, you didnt vote! how rude! bill.bmp
  4. Hello everyone... as it's proper to introduce yourself if you're new to a forum, so here I am. I've made some cool stuff, some armor, braided flogs, and it's been fun. I'm looking to move up from flat black butt kicking armor to elaborate, ornate, really neato butt kicking armor. Just about everything I have done is because Andy of ARM Leather got me interested. I blame him for alot. I've attached a picture of my basic armor stuff I've done... it was my first effort, be gentle.
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