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Everything posted by Maxone22

  1. Whenever someone ask how/where did you learn leatherwork I like to give my "captain ron" answer - Rehab. Those that can't help themselves will ask, "for what?" I answer "Which time?" The bad part was that we weren't allowed sharp objects. Or any paints, dyes, glue, or finishers. Now that I think about it, maybe I didn't learn it rehab. Thats where I learned poker. None of that is true. I picked up the hobby when I saw a complete kit for sale at a secondhand store. Wasn't near as cheap as I thought. I like those that hear that line and reply with "that explains a few things"
  2. Heya Tom, and All~ Another newbie from WA state. I hate to admit it, but I've been doing leatherwork off and on for over ten years. I hate to admit it as my work does not show ten years experience! I'm a hobbyist at best, but truly do enjoy it - at times. On a whim I picked up the professional (or deluxe, I'm not sure) kit at a second hand store years ago. As you can imagine,the deep discount I recieved the kit at has been completely offset over the years. As a bonus however, I now receive request for handmade gifts. So it has paid back a bit~ lol. I've attached pics of a biker toolkit I completed (Not from a kit). I'm never happy with a finished project as I see my many mistakes. Seeing pics of great work and learning new tips is what has kept me coming back for more! I'm happy to have found a place with so many truly skilled that share their tips and tricks. Thanks! Erik
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