I posted this on the wrong topic. Hope someone here can help me. Thanks.
New guy to the forum and to leather work and I could use a little info.
I just picked up a Singer 29K 31, found some info on the web but would like to gleem what I can from the forum.
I planned to use it for some light leather work and patches.
I see that it's used to do shoe repair, harnesss work and much more. Big bonus.
Thing's been sitting in a garage for many years but looks to be in decent cond. under the dust and grime.
Sprayed it with oil (moving parts) and got it to turn over. will start the clean up tomorrow.
I didn't get the stand with it so I'll be looking for one or any info on making one.
Where can I find parts if needed?
Can I electrify it or should it just be treddle?
Can I modify and old regular treddle table?
Any help would be appreciated.
BTW, I didn't see a welcome thread so, I'm Colin Young, from Saratoga, NY.