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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Leather Accessories
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  1. Any suggestions on how to move a 20 ton clicker? Weighs approximately 1500 pounds. Forklift is not an option. Any suggestions would be appreciated. John
  2. Thanks for efforts. We've used Fevicol rubber adhesive in the past, but that is only available in India. We're starting production in the USA. so need a domestic source.
  3. We need to adhere leather swatches to pieces of mat board. Quite a large scale so cost is a concern. We've had limited success at present. The types we have tried works okay for the short term, but comes undone after a few weeks. We need a permanant adhesive at a competitive price. I'd appreciate suggestions as well as sourcing options. Attached is an example of what the final product is.
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