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    Dallas TX area
  • Interests
    Custom leather cases

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    no specialty yet
  • Interested in learning about
    Leather cases

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  1. 2nd owner, barely used. Purchased from a hobbyist who sewed very little before joining military. Has been sitting unused for a few years in the garage. From the manual: 550w motor / 800 stitches per minute / Needle: DY-X-3 25#Local Pickup: Prosper TX. markjones-dot-mba-@-gmail-dot-com
  2. Thanks for the input - I like the idea of something that can just roll-up and mate to the stand. this guy had a great idea: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=52048
  3. To clarify: The photo with the attachment that is smaller than I want is this one: I'd like it to extend to the left about 2 more feet, and to the front / back another foot.
  4. Is there a name for this attachment? I will have a 34" long stitch down the sides. The one in the photo is smaller than I want. Do they come in different sizes?
  5. CowboyBob: I do not know which clone I have - there are no identifying labels that I could find. Even the manual is generic. Maybe you can tell from these photos? The decal is for Bogle-Greenwell. Caroline: That is clever! I could do that myself.
  6. Is anyone familiar with a sewing table (or custom setup) with a table attachment that fits around a cylinder arm and allows the fabric to lie level with the feed dogs as if it was a flatbed machine? Something like the attached photo, but for an industrial machine. (To clarify, the image is only to help illustrate what I'm describing - not necessarily looking for the exact commercial equivalent.) Something with a sturdy removable surface area for leather about 24"x36".
  7. I'm not an experienced bag maker (yet), but I think it's a personal preference for the wearer: slingbag style versus handbag style. I like the straps attached on the side instead of the gusset (especially wearing cross-shoulder, sling style) for a few reasons: The bag lays against my side properly and comfortably, the shoulder strap doesn't interfere with the opening, and it doesn't look (as much) like a purse.
  8. I've been prototyping a large case design. When I'm ready to execute in leather, I will need commercial tools (still months away, but I don't want additional delay once the project is ready).It requires 60-80 linear feet of edge skiving of 3 oz chrome tanned, and will need leveling for 8oz veg tan 14"x36" panels.Is there a leathershop in DFW / North Texas area with an adequate skiving machine and splitter who will split/skive a job for me?If mistakes weren't so expensive, I would ship the materials. But I will need to observe to ensure that the work is done to spec.Anyone willing?Mark214/636-6293
  9. I've been prototyping a large case design using vinyl. When I'm ready to execute in leather, I will need industrial tools (still months away, but I don't want additional delay once the project is ready). It requires 60-80 linear feet of edge skiving, and will need leveling for 14"x36" panels. Is there a leathershop in DFW / North Texas area with an adequate splitter and skiving machine who will split/skive a job for me? If mistakes weren't so expensive, I would ship the materials. But I will need to observe to ensure that the work is done to spec. Anyone willing? Mark 214/636-6293
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