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Everything posted by MOA

  1. My theory was to apply some dye to the vamps like eco flow mahogany with a brush. Would I need to clean the leather first?
  2. So I got a nice pair of cowboy boots at discount but don't like the look. Can I use leather dye and a brush to dye juts the saddle vamps and heal caps?
  3. Maybe a little more time on the boning but don't take my word for it. I've only got one holster under my belt but planning to start another soon. I like it though.
  4. Will do on the pics as soon as I get one started. What isthe best stitching awl?
  5. Sounds like I can et most everything from Tandy leather and not to much I need to get a better start. Thanks.
  6. I'll take it and Rayban you're the coolest guy on this forum, I don't care what the others say. I am deffinately a newb.
  7. Right now I'm working on concealment rigs, both IWB and pancake. I do want to eventually make western rigs too. I have desire, I made a pretty ok looking OWB for my brother out of scrap leather, a wood scribe, thread and needle from hobby lobby and mt trusty Benchmade pocket knife for the cutting/trimming. I wet formed it, hand molded it, then used a sharpie to get some of the detail. I used the benchmade at a angle to bevel the edges, and sand paper and denim scraps to burnish em. It looks ok for my first holster ever. Now I know I need to measure for every stitch, mine varry by a 1/16" or so, and I know I need a stitching awl.
  8. Actually particles youtube video is what I watched when I first got the idea. watched it several times. I have read several of his post. Ill search more.
  9. What tools are required for making holsters? i'm new to this and the forum, made a couple just to figure out patterns. But what i need is tools. So, what do I need? Heres a list of what I think I need, help meto find good tools. buy once buy right. 1 stitching awl(I'm using a scrib from lowes...) 2 good needles 3 bevler 4 stitching gouge 5 boning tool 6 burnishing tool(I can use a dowl for this right?) 7 stitch roller/spacer I don't have a leather sop near buy, so i'll probley order on line. I want stuff that will last.
  10. Would 8-9 oz work ok? I want it stiff enough not to collapse when the gun is drawn, but not be like packing a brick. The OWB I made is thick, maybe 7/16" at the throut, but the inner layer is tin, probley 4-5 oz and soft, but its just scrap leather from the hobby shop. No place local to buy veggy leather. A saddle maker local may have some scrapps for me to use, but I got to get over there to see. Its just hard to commit to buying a shoulder or side for a lot of money and not now if it will be to thick or thin. I have a style of work i do that always has a reenforced throat and my stitching looks good, I just need to get better leather.
  11. Brand new to leather and trying to make holsters. I got a bag of scrapps from the local hobby store to practice my stitching and figure out my own patterns, but i'm confused on what leather to get to make the final product out of. I now i need veggy tanned, but what weight? Can I go with 12-14 oz saddle skirting and not double up on the throat? I am making inside the waist band and pancake holster for myself and family. trying to do simple work. also who is a good supplier for single sides?
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