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  1. Thanks alot, i guess the deciding factor is if i can get some friends to help me move the beast!
  2. Hi, I found someone selling this Landis Aristocrat Shoe Sticher for 200 dollars and was wondering if its any good and what I should know about it.
  3. Never mind, It was just the everthing was out of time or alinement. I couldnt make sense of it all untell 1:30 in the morning...
  4. Hi, I have a pfaff 1245 706/47 (the older cast) and I got a wad of thread stuck in the bobbin action and the safety clutch didn’t kick. Now I think the bobbin action is out of sync. First of all is that possible? And if so does anyone know what I need to do to fix it. Something similar happened to my old machine and I fixed it but this machine is little different.
  5. I've tried this as well, they have the 1245 but not the 1245 706/47. Then machine has enough differences for me to want the right manual. thanks any way.
  6. thank you I found this manual too, but its for a much newer machine then my own. All i can fine online is people trying to sell photocopies of the manual for my machine and as a student after spending what i did on this machice i can hardly justify paying money for something that should have been with it. All I need is a pdf of it nothing special.
  7. I recently aquired this PFAFF 1245 706/47 and I dont have a manual for it and would really like to have one if I ever need it and was wondering if anyone has a copy they'd like to send me?
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