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Melanie Wilfong

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  1. I'm working on my second quirt and have run out of kangaroo lace. The core, bottom knot and a long middle middle knot are all in kangaroo. I'd like to try braiding rawhide. Would it look bad to do the handle and pineapple on the lash in rawhide? I haven't seen enough of this type of work in person to know what looks good and what doesn't. This quirt is coming out nice and I don't want to mess it up. Thx
  2. This is my first one, and I'm not crazy about it. For one thing the rope wasn't stiff enough. Next one will be stiffer with slightly wider leather lace so the coverage is better. Also, when the heel knot was loose it worked out perfectly and looked correct, but when tightened it looks bad. Please let me know how I can improve the next one. Thanks.
  3. Could someone give tips on shaping a bosal made from stiff 3 strand rope? I've read it's tricky shaping it. The nose & side buttons are complete. I haven't tied the heel knot yet. Thanks
  4. All our old hackamores, which are wearing out, are made of nylon rope. They're not made with rawhide, just stiff rope with leather nosebutton. We have a lot horses, so think I'll try to make rope from horse tail. I really like your site and work. Will a drop spindle work for horsehair cord?
  5. What type of nylon rope is best for the fiador on a hackamore like this one? I ordered samson #10 sash cord, per Bruce Grant's recommendation in his book, but it was too big and more cottony than I'd like. I have 1/4" nylon, but it's very cheap and shiny walmart type rope. Can someone recommend a good rope for this? At one time I found one posted in the site, but couldn't find it in a search.
  6. Thank you, Tracy, finally got it. This is a great video if anyone has trouble. I doubled it for the hackamore knot.
  7. Tracy, I looked at Grant's again and it will work. For some reason last night when I looked, I thought you had to work both ends. Thanks so much. It looks easier.
  8. Yes, I do..the only thing is I've already tied the fiador knots based on Hall's instruction and hated to start over if there is something simple I'm missing. Thxs:)
  9. Here is where I'm stuck. thanks:)
  10. I've worn out my eyes trying to figure out the knot based on Tom Hall's instructions. What's confusing me is I'm holding the fiador knot end with my left hand, and also holding the loop that comes down the middle with my left index finger. Ok, follow the steps, then when I get to "pull the loop under #3" is where I get lost. It looks so easy, but I can't tell if at any point the loop runs under the end (fiadors) that I'm holding in my fist, before it goes under 3. Or, do I only hold the fiador end and pull the loop under 3 like it says. I've tried like it says, but something is wrong. Can't believe how long this has taken. It looks so easy.
  11. Hello, I'm in the process of tanning a skin using this method: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/HOW_to_tan_a_rattlesnake_skin It's soaking in milk. Does anyone know if it will work. We have lots of rattlesnakes and for some reason today I decided to clean, skin and cook one. I've got some special conchos and would like to make a belt. Thanks. If this doesn't work, I'm sure before too long I'll see another.
  12. It's another quirt. The core is 1.5" circ. w/ buck shot in the middle. The string is 3/32". Everybody wants a quirt. As soon as I finish this one I'm building a hackamore for myself:).
  13. Before I put any much time in, will a 20 strand round braid, 2 O, 2 U, 2 O, 2 U, 2 O work? I tried 16 but it wasn't enough coverage and 24 is too much. Thanks.
  14. Could you put me down on the list to attend? Thanks
  15. I'll try this on the next one. Thanks
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