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About Bignick

  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 09/23/1991

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  • MSN

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mojave Desert,California
  • Interests
    Genealogy, U.S. American History, wanted posters, Firearms history, Leather working

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  1. Thank you so much, I am glad you like the logo, I am over joyed to have a cool logo like my grandpa's. It was one of those things that just kinda came together and I don't even know how it happened, this hobby seems to do that hahaha, things just seem to work out lol!
  2. Thank you all for your wonderful comments, I really appreciate it!!!! Y'all are correct, its great to have a grandfather to have as my mentor, I'm really appreciative of his knowledge and his help and the time we have spent together making something functional and beautiful. Thank you all again!
  3. This is the first sheath for a knife I have made. I did it with my grandpa also know as (katsass) on this leather forum, I don't like the sheaths Buck makes so I decided to ask my grandpa to help me with another project. My grandpa has done various projects that included brands. Since I was a kid I have always loved the branding. So we branded a few brands on the sheath as you can see. I am also really proud of my logo, two B's over a butt with a band-aid on it. My grandpa helped me with it. I guess a focus on behinds must run in the family!! Thank you Poppo for all the help! Please feel free to comment, and thank you for lookin!!
  4. I always love the brands Popo, I've seen them on some of your other work and they are my favorite attribute on your leather. On this tom threepersons, there are so many you have shown me before, it looks really nostalgic, I think it is my favorite haha.
  5. Hey all, this is my very first anything I've done with leather, My grandfather, who is known on here as "katsass" truly taught me how to make this, he helped tremendously with this project! Feel free to comment, I tried to upload my much larger and detailed pictures from an actual camera (this is on my phone) but they were to big for to upload, I'll eventually do that later. This is modified Tom Threepersons holster, a more common threepersons does not cover the trigger, I however don't like my trigger guard unprotected, so we just modified that a bit. It is an opened toe holster, the stitching on the holster are saddle stitches and are 100% hand done. For my very first project, I am extremely happy with it, so please feel free to comment!! Thanks for looking!
  6. Bignick

    first holster

    modified three persons holster for revolver.
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