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Everything posted by leatherman2011

  1. thank you for the info how exactly would you roll the croc and glue under pressure do you know? I would just scive so its thin enough to roll over the latigo? mabe scive the latigo too so both edges are somewha thin?
  2. This is pretty much what i am trying to do with my croc skin i think. this will be my first belt so I dont know all the leather code words. so anyone that could help that would be awesome. and thanks for your reply Basically i need it explained how to get a belt made like this one in steps so i can start making mine I dont want to glue these together wn then just start cuting and guees because it probably wot turn out that great maybe decent but not worth the money i payed for it. any suggestion and tools that i may need let me know thank you very much
  3. I just bought a croc backstrap and need a little help making it into a belt. I have a 9 or 10 oz latigo cowhide strip 1 1/2 inch wide for the liner. I have Barge all purpose cement to bind togeather and nylon thread to stitch it. I also have chicago screws a punch and a belt buckle ready to put on it. its dyed black by the way. heres my questions. what should i use to cut the croc ? The croc has this stuff on the bottoms side shouve i kinda shave that down before i bind it to the leather? SHould i hand stitch this because i dont have a leather sewing machine? And how can i get a smooth good looking edge on my belt? and should it be sewn before or after i do the edge? should there be some kind of finish i should put on the croc skin when its done to make a shine a little? Sorry for so many questions I just want to start until i get everything sorted out. thank you Its going to be used for a gun belt so im wanting it to be sturdy
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