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Everything posted by Decoyman

  1. Thank a lot, I did not Dare show the first one I did. The line was cased when I did the boning, I never thought of another stitch line. After looking at the holster I don't think it would look that right. I'm still trying to get the stitch to edge of gun measuring down. I used the half the with of the pistol method. Any help would be appreciated
  2. CZ-75, I should have made the sweat shield a little wider.
  3. OK I'm new and have a ton of questions. I got Al Stohlman the art of hand sewing.Can anyone tell me if the Osborne saddlers stitching awl blades # 54-59 is a diamond point? I have Tandy # 0 harness needles some Waxed thread .045 with tapered ends.( Making a holster ) I tried drilling,but did not like the look. So I want to try with a awl. On the Osborne sit the sizes look to be the length not the thickness of the blades, can someone clear this up for me.Or are the blade all the same thickness? Thank you so much https://www.osbornel...egory.php?cid=1
  4. Hello all: Can anyone tell me if the Osborne saddlers stitching awl blades # 54-59 is a diamond point? I just got done reading Al Stohlman's book, and was looking for a diamond point awl, at a reasonable price for a beginner holster maker. Thanks Link https://www.osborneleathertools.com/category.php?cid=1
  5. What size thread are you hand sewers using for you holsters? The stuff I get from my local guy is waxed 60" it's pretty thick, I would like to get something on a spool. Thanks
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