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Posts posted by omarcolocci

  1. Hello everyone!

    I missed the introduction forum because I misunderstood the "Member Gallery" title and made my first post on the "Getting Started" forum. Silly me. :whistle:

    My name is Omar -- you may wonder what a Brazilian, with Italian and Portuguese grandparents has to do with an Arabic name, and I'm used to that, but hey, we are not culturally attach to names here :) -- and I'm 36 years old. I'm into drawing since I was a kid, and I've already painted and messed a little with wood carving. My wife wife works with bookbinding and about a week ago, while researching on materials and techniques, she bumped into a video showing some leather carving in action. She pointed me the video expecting me to like and buy, she knows me: I was hooked!

    In the middle of my quest for knowledge I found many resources, great artists and this fantastic forum, which lead me to more incredible resources and artists. You guys at leatherwork.net rock so much I was not able to make an actual question so far!

    Finally, today I ordered my first pack of Tandy tools and this week I may go hunting for leather and other materials on local stores, if I'm lucky enough to find the equivalents here in Brazil. Thanks to LuisPaulo, a fellow Brazilian met in the forum, I'm not so lost anymore. Let's see how I do when I go shopping.

    A big thank you to all of you, members of this great community!


    Omar Colocci

  2. Hello everyone!

    Have been reading a lot on the past couple of days and this is my first post. Such a great community this is I could find most of my beginner-wannabe questions already answered. Thank you all!! :You_Rock_Emoticon:

    The thing is I can't rely on live courses to learn. I live in Brazil and haven't found any regarding carving or the craftsmanship side of leatherworking, only industry targeted education, so I must turn to books and videos and I'd like know what you suggest and, if not widely available, where to get them.

    Thanks you very much!


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