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Everything posted by katiemfree

  1. I have Googled elsewhere and searched the forums here before posting, but I need some help from the experts! I just bought this machine, and I would love some help identifying it. It has "C-2971" on a decal and a serial number "8110227" but no other identifying marks or stamps. And ideas? It works great and I got it threaded correctly using the manual on the TechSew website for their 2971 machine. (Also I know that it's not standard to use button and craft thread on a machine like this, I was just really excited to get it going and didn't have the proper thread.)
  2. Thanks so much for the tip! They must be a popular shop, already had bookmarked their site from a few other threads.
  3. I have been scouring the boards here and learning so much. I appreciate how generous everyone is with their knowledge. I am in the planning stages of setting up a slipper-making business. I have a question about getting a die made. I would like to get sole shapes made with holes punched around the edge for lacing. I have been researching die makers but haven't seen any examples like this. Is this possible? Or is there another way to punch lacing holes more efficiently than one at a time? Thanks for any suggestions.
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