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Everything posted by UniqueLeather

  1. Hi David, Thank you so much for your reply. I'm novice actually - I only took it up at Christmas, but addicted already! I noticed that the bottle had separated quite badly and there are bright orange filaments clinging to the top,(as if a neon orange cotton wall ball had set loose in there!). I'm sending it back tomorrow - so frustrating though as I booked this week off work to make these items (for a craft fair I'm exhibiting at). Thank you again, out of interest, do you have a prefferred stain? I've played a little with oil dyes, but rather like the way you can build up the colour of the water based colours. Best wishes Niki
  2. Good evening, I would be very gratdeful if anyone can help please. I'm new to leathercraft and have found a very frustrating problem. I have spent the last two days carving over 20 items! And now I'm ready to dye them, I love the colour that EcoFlo Timber Brown has and use it with nearly all my work. However, today it is turning an oily dark green colour on this work - I'm seriously worried because I've cut all these peices from the same shoulder, so if it's the leather (veg tan) that has an ingredient that's causing it, I'm in trouble. Please help! Thank you Niki :-)
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