Hi Group,
I'm a new member from Boise, Idaho. Many years ago I learned to braid rawhide (and leather/cord) from a ranch cowboy I worked with; his name was Slim Harper. Normal ranch work also included some leather work so I picked up some of that along the way. I also loved to fly fish the waters on and near the ranches I worked and soon had to decide which interest to persue. I chose fly fishing and a job in corporate America (so I could afford to fly fish). Now years later I'm retired, running a fly-fishing business and incorporating leather work/braiding into that business. I discovered this forum yesterday with the help of a friend and look forward to learning from you all. In return if any of you need help with fly fishing, fly tying or photography (product, advertising & macro)let me know and I'll try to repay you all with some my limited skills. Take care & ...
Tight Lines - Al Beatty
BT's Fly Fishing & Photography