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Everything posted by Amoeba

  1. Thank-you to everyone for all your very helpful replies and your guidance. Now I know what the hardware looks like and what they're called, I can do some research and find-out what their limitations and advantages are. It's also really handy to know the different names used in the UK and the US. Once again, thanks for your help.
  2. Hello there! This is my first post, so please forgive me if I have broken any rules. If I have, I apologise in advance, please let me know what I've done wrong. Anyhow, the subject of my enquiry is this: Military Fix Type Closure My interest is the closure method. It is described as a 'Military Fix Type Closure' I have scoured the internet and my books on leatherwork, but to no avail. I don't even know what it's called, apart from their description given above. I have had some ideas as to how to make it, but since I am new to leatherwork, I'm sure you people with much more knowledge and experience would be able to set me on the right path. Essentially, I would like to know what it's called; ways to make it; its advantages and disadvantages; where to find-out more and so-on. Thanks, Chris
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