First post, looooong time lurker, both as a member and before. Just wanted to say thanks to Bob for this thread because it's turned edging FROM an annoying frustrating endeavor into something that isn't really difficult and looks nice. I'll post some pictures of my holsters and stuff for better reference but I have a question about edging and since this thread has been going for years I hope it's ok to dig it up after a month. I've been trying to get edges that aren't high gloss but at the moment, they don't last long. I guess my question is about the wax and finish. Do these products serve to preserve the edge more than anything? I haven't even tried using the wax and I wondered if the wax is that step that will make my edges last longer, but I noticed that it also brings on the shine. What I've been doing is using a bit of antler with moist edges until it gets snappy and very shiny. I don't like the shiny and so then I go in with the saddle soap and denim and canvas and rub rub rub, bringing in the antler now and again to shape things up, and stopping when I have more of a matte finish. When I'm done it's exactly what I want and is super smooth feeling. But my holsters see some IDPA time, they get some abuse but, it doesn't seem like it takes very MUCH abuse to start roughing my edges up. I'm not talking much roughing, but over time, say a year, they're pretty furry again and within just a few days of wearing a belt, the highest wear areas are rougher than I like. I am hoping that wax might add some wear to my edges and that I can still find away to cut the gloss. Any thoughts?