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Everything posted by Penturner

  1. Why aren't those Yahoo groups here? Keep all the info in one place. Oh too dream.....
  2. Penturner here! My Dad passed on a few years ago and I inherited a few tool boxes with leather working tools. Now i'm ready to start learning how to use them. While I live in Virginia, I'm working here in Portland Oregon for a couple of months. At a recent Gun Show I met a leather worker who gave me an evenings worth of lessons. After three hours, I was completely saturated with new things to learn. As soon as I get home, (in June) I'll be starting to play with leather. In the meantime, I'd like to hang out here and see how much I can learn before actually using these tools Probably not too much, as I realized during my evening with Bobby that this takes lots of practice. I really hate having to start at the beginning, I'd rather the knowledge and muscle memory be an Osmosis thing, but, .... Well I can dream. Anyway, I'm here to play.
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