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About terramedi

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  1. Hello All, Well after nearly 2 years and a lot of headache I finally got my money returned, not from Dallas but from the lien I put on his property. He eventually sold the place and the title company called me up yesterday and gave me a check. All over! Still wouldn't recommed this individual for anything! H
  2. Another update, Well I went to the Custer County Courthouse today to see if I could get a status on this whole ordeal. I was told that unfortunately it doesn't look good for me getting any money refunded. I explained that I had a contract signed by Dallas, copies of the cashed check, and court case that I won against Dallas Stermon. I am particullarly angered as he is currently renovating a garage to make another cabin rental - probably with my money. The sherriff's office indicated that I am not the only one who has applied for an execution to confiscate property against Dallas. Apparently there is a bit of a line before I get any monies…he has made a habit of stealing from people, I guess a con-man of sorts. Frank - I did talk to a few people I cannot remember if you were one of them. Nonetheless if you give me a private message with your email I will return the communication.
  3. Thanks for the replies. Here's an update: Dallas has refused to me in person to pay the monies back that he has stole from me. He has absolutely refused to refund any of my monies. I have had to enlist the help of the local sheriff to execute an order to confiscate property to pay for this, but as of yet I still have no result...even as Dallas refused to appear in court to contest the claim.
  4. Hello all, Need a bit of advice, I signed up to do a saddle school last July with Dallas Stermon of Outlaw Saddlery in Custer, South Dakota. He seemed very nice, I paid him the course fee. Come July he cashed the check then cancelled the class before the start date. I have been to small claims court and won my case as he did not contest it. However the court does not assure you monies will be paid. So now I am out $3400 and need adivce on how to ge my money back? Any Advice would be much appreciated. H
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