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  • Location
    bridgeport, CT
  • Interests
    music, fly fishing, leathercraft, outdoors, SCA

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  1. I've been having a similar problem the last few months: I make belt accessory reproductions for a certain movie franchise, and have had a problem with my 5oz. pieces cracking at the bends. I use 2 coats of the tandy pro waterstain, a coat of ecoflo supersheen, then gum trag to seal the flesh side, and a soaked coat and buffed coat of conditioner. up until now I haven't had to water bend the creases before dye, but since its been happening suddenly i'm wondering if I need to change my process or add something else?
  2. i'm looking for tips/tricks, and maybe even a good pattern for a set of sca-legal hardened leather bazubands. i've tried a few of the usual suspects, but nothing clear. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. after working for a schecter dealer for a few years, he'll be lucky if he gets $350 for the sinister gates model. these days we're lucky is we get 5 for them, brand new.
  4. the rebel legion will never accept it, not made out of bantha hide
  5. it does not have ceramic eyelets, no. as for the padding, it wont just be rattling around, i'll have it in its flanel rod sock, and pad the bottom andtop of the tube with a bit of foam and lambs wool.
  6. hey thanks for all the replies! being a coastal dweller (i've grown up a 10 minute walk away from the long island sound/atlantic ocean and stayed here my entire life to date), fishing has always been a hobby of mine, and having recently turned to flies on lakes and rivers has been fun. i bought a custom 9'6" sage z-axis 5wt rod with a lamson reel not too long ago, but it only came with a rod sock. buy a rod case? nah, i'm a leather worker, i make this stuff. (and now to add another project onto the already cramped white board) and i just have an adversion to pvc. while light and durable, i dont like how bulky it is, and sched40 in a 2"dia is a bear to work with. i googled clear tec. a 2.5" tube 48" inch long is $183.00, hell, i could buy some 6061 t6 aluminum for that. i sent an email to landmark, i like how they include the end caps. as for the form and fit, i come from the cadillac school of design, while i value durability, its gotta look good too. after all, if it's ugly, my friends wont want me to build one for them! and mr. smith i feel your pain, i'm a medieval reenactor, i just finished my own suit of armor; in total, it was around 60ft of saddle stitching. i now have what my finace likes to call "sedimentary growths" on the outer sides of my fore and pinky fingers from it all. i dont think they even classify as calluses anymore, i think they've got their own cartilage coating now lol. i'll keep updating, i need a new project.
  7. hey gang, i've been watching these forums for a long time, but relatively new to posting here! i've recently got the fly fishing bug, and need to make a slick rod tube. sure i could go to cabelas and buy one, but what's the fun in that? i have a nice side of veg tan, but i'm looking at internal structure. i know aluminum or brass, even pvc is used in some cases, but they can also be expensive. i while i was at work today, i had an epiphany: how about a heavy wiegh cardboard tube? you know the buggers, about .125 thick, strong and heavy and the like. could i use this as an internal tube? i've worked in industrial areas my entire working life, and know what happens to metal when something falls on it (read:steel toe boot caps), and i'd hate to see that happen to my fly rod. logically speaking, the cardboard tube would provide enough structural integrity, but have some give if any impact would come across it, and not harm its contents after the fact, and it would be pretty cost effective. any thoughts?
  8. i've been lurking for awhile, so its time for an introduction! the names' john, i'm the ripe age of 24, and have been workin hides since i was about 10. started out small, eye glass cases, bookmarks and such, then when i hit 21 and started getting into renniassance faires, i caught the bug again, and lucky me it stuck. i've since built up a pretty good workshop, and am working on getting my own little business together to peddle around local faires. so far my work has gotten alot of compliments from the local vendors, and even some words of encouragement! i look forward to wasting away my dye drying times here and picking the brains of the populace.
  9. called in and emaile,d they didnt have any left, but i got on the list for the next shipment! thanks again for the tip, chuck was more than a pleasure to deal with
  10. just sent them an email, and i'll call tomarrow. thanks so much for the tip!
  11. First post! I'm looking for a set of the discontinued celtic rune stamps, and a good old 3# maul. I'd like a set in good condition, and as old a maul as you got, i like antique tools. feel free to drop me a pm with any offers. Thanks in advance!
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