hey thanks for all the replies! being a coastal dweller (i've grown up a 10 minute walk away from the long island sound/atlantic ocean and stayed here my entire life to date), fishing has always been a hobby of mine, and having recently turned to flies on lakes and rivers has been fun. i bought a custom 9'6" sage z-axis 5wt rod with a lamson reel not too long ago, but it only came with a rod sock. buy a rod case? nah, i'm a leather worker, i make this stuff. (and now to add another project onto the already cramped white board)
and i just have an adversion to pvc. while light and durable, i dont like how bulky it is, and sched40 in a 2"dia is a bear to work with. i googled clear tec. a 2.5" tube 48" inch long is $183.00, hell, i could buy some 6061 t6 aluminum for that. i sent an email to landmark, i like how they include the end caps. as for the form and fit, i come from the cadillac school of design, while i value durability, its gotta look good too. after all, if it's ugly, my friends wont want me to build one for them!
and mr. smith i feel your pain, i'm a medieval reenactor, i just finished my own suit of armor; in total, it was around 60ft of saddle stitching. i now have what my finace likes to call "sedimentary growths" on the outer sides of my fore and pinky fingers from it all. i dont think they even classify as calluses anymore, i think they've got their own cartilage coating now lol.
i'll keep updating, i need a new project.