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About Dicegeek

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  1. I did try just that myself, to no effect at all. Actually, I think it may be a problem of too little dye. Thinner pieces of leather came out brown, while thicker ones turned green. To me, it feels like some of the redder pigments were "sucked" away from the surface, leaving green pigment behind. Unfortunately, adding more dye did not yield any positive effects either. I have since switched to Fiebings, and am having no issues whatsoever.
  2. I am having the same issue with Eco Flo Java Brown. Oddly enough, it only happens on certain pieces of leather. One shoulder was perfectly fine while leather from another source turned an ugly shade of green. I just talked to the people at my local Tandy store, and they said they had a lot of issues with brown Eco Flo dyes and had pulled most of them off the shelf. I am going to switch to Fiebings Pro Oil, as I am hearing a lot of good things.
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