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Everything posted by Scala

  1. Hi people! I didn't publish here a long time. But our journal is live and work Few days ago I published #3-2021. Every year Subscription has 6 numbered issues and 1 special. Know more on our site: https://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru Last time we make Digest for every issue. It has a short description about articles of issue. I added pages of #3-2021 Digest here. This year I made and publish FREE issue. It has some articles from any other issues of any years. You can see format, themes and know all about our journal. You need to register only on our site for access to this issue. After registration download and read This is direct link to FREE issue: https://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru/issue_free For any questions write me to e-mail scala@list.ru (my personal e-mail). My FB account is https://www.facebook.com/scala.solomin/
  2. Next issue published - #2-2018. Link to the table of content and digest - http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru/nomera-zhurnalov/2018/issue-2-2018.html And some pages from it
  3. And we translated #1-2018! We made it fast thank to Sandra Borges. And this issue published now in our site http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru If you do not sure you can read free issue #1-2016 - http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru/nomera-zhurnalov/2016/vypusk-1-2016.html If you e-mail to me and have no answer, you can find me on FB - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008294498659
  4. The price is $30. What e-mail you used? Excuse me, but I have nothing... Maybe your e-mail moved to SPAM. When you compare something you need to compare contents too. Did you read our free #1-2016 issue? Maybe you'll change your opinion
  5. Oh, yeah! We finished publishing 2017 year journals now! Last #6-2017 issue is published on our site: http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru/nomera-zhurnalov/2017/issue-6-2017.html And we offer to subscribe next 2018 year! Our price is constant - $30 per year. We receive PayPal payment. Remember, our journals is DIGITAL! You need to register on our site and pay needed subscriptions. We'll active your account by hands. Now some samples of journal pages.
  6. Last year we could translate #4 and #5 only. Last issue #6-2017 we'll need to translate in 2018. But #4 and 5 published in our site - http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru At this year we work under construction of site. Login design changed little but works better. All issues have its digests. Visit our site and read digests! They are free. Now I publish some pages from #5-2017
  7. #3-2017 is translated now and published! Subscribers can download PDF-files here - http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru/nomera-zhurnalov/2017/issue-4-2017.html Other people can subscribe for $30 Annual Subscription with PayPal. Table of Content of this issue: ABCs: Colored Dots. Saddle stitch: rules, myths and logic Leather Little Slipper: Sizes of Shoes and Markup of Lasts Test-Drive: Awls from workshop „Anika”. Japanese Сhemistry Issue Pattern: Molded Belt Case Designs Tips-Top How-to…: Handbag from Karung Leather Workbench: Repair the Airbrush Fasion: Jackets — 2018 or Leather is a Trend No.1 again Every Kind of Vanity Braiding Practice: 1 1/2-meter whip (The End) Our Masters Show And some pages:
  8. Our special issue published today. Its name is Coloring leather: techniques & chemicals. I collected all my experience in this journal. 60 pages. Its included in 2017 Subscription. Cost of one year subscription is $30. http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru If you have any questions write me to scala@list.ru Table of Contents Section 1. „Silk Brush” or Coloring Tools 1.1 Brushes 1.2 Airbrush 1.3 Other Tools 1.4 Computer Section 2. „Up-down, Obliquely”or Chemical Laboratory on the Table 2.1 Dyes 2.2 Stains 2.3 Antiques 2.4 Finishes 2.5 Other Section 3. „It was made by us... or by our software???” or sketch drawing on the computer Section 4. „Tell me, as an artist do you know how to draw?” or a simple coloring techniques 4.1 Overall coloring 4.2 Background coloring 4.3 Single-color dyeing of ornament 4.4 Stains 4.5 Antique gels 4.6 Masking 4.7 „Dry” brush 4.8 „Wet” brush Section 5. „Further into the forest...” or let’s try something more complicated 5.1 Monochrome Coloring 5.2 Multicolored dyeing 5.3 Gradients Section 6. „One plus one... and one on top”or combinations of techniques 6.1 Dye+antique paste 6.2 Acryl paints+ antique paste 6.3 Silhouette carving+ antique paste 6.4 Acrylic=Antique paste 6.5 One+one... and one more Annexes. Additional info for coloring. Coloring Logic(practic) Rust Stain
  9. We caught up with the Russian version! #3-2017 translated and published in our site: http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru/nomera-zhurnalov/2017/issue-3-2017.html
  10. Now translated next 20 pages. Articles: 3) Flapping Membranes, 4) Tap-off Patterns, 5) The Great World Problem (shoes for men), 6) Neutral Paste from Fiebing, 7) Serge Zieds. Author's Buckle, 8) 3 Lifters stamps (comparison)
  11. First 10 pages from #3-2017 translated. Articles: 1) Wax&Leather, 2) The sizes of banknotes of different currencies in the world (15 countries).
  12. And #2-2017 are ready and published in our site http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru/nomera-zhurnalov/2017/issue-2-2017.html #3-2017 Russian Version ready too and we begin to translate it too! Some pages from #2 is here:
  13. We work faster! Issue #1-2017 published now! See it on our site - http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru
  14. Hi ! We resolve our problem and translate journal faster! #6-2016 are ready and we closed last year now! All 7 issues are ready for your attention. I hope we'll translate #1-2017 before publishing #2-2017 in Russian Version. And I'll publish Patterns and Designs from all 2016 journal as PDF files (for subscribers, to better to print). And here some pages from #6-2016:
  15. #5-2016 is ready and published on our site http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru/ People who subscribed can download it from site. If you are not subscriber see the Table of Content, register and subscribe ))))
  16. 3 article for translation and #5-2016 will ready for publishing! Issue Pattern - Women's hand bag with Kazakh ornament.
  17. Our translation is better now! It is faster and #5-2016 is ready for 60% now. I want to thanks Sandra Borges who help me at this job!
  18. Hi ! We translated the Special Issue 2016! Translation is a hard task. It is need more time than we expected. But we make it one per one )))
  19. Hi people again ))) Excuse me for delay. We had a problem, with translation but now #4-2016 is ready! We made an English version of our site - http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru You can make a free registration, free download #1-2016 and buy 2016 subscription there. And now - some pages from #4-2016 and Table of Contents ABCs: The way of great master. Point „ZERO”. Another useful site. Expensive Leather Leather Little Slipper: Decorative perforation. Moccasins on-line, Continue Drawing Lessons: Combined Technologies of Coloring.Dye+Atique Paste How-to...: Python skin purse Issue Pattern: Mens bag with the ancient Russian ornament Designs Pyrography: For people, who likes it hot. Leather pyrography – revival of the ancient art Tips-Top Our Wears: Corset theory Masters: Aleksander Novozhilov and Natalia Ganina Braiding: Braiding a handle of awl World Art: Victorian style Our Master’s Show
  20. I have them. Great books!
  21. Hi people ! We published English version of our site! It is tested now. You can register free and download #1-2016 free. Welcome to our sever http://www.en.leathercrafting-journal.ru
  22. It took a long time for translation but we publish #3-2016 NOW! It's available! You can find issues and subscription on Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/ru/shop/ESWorkshop?ref=hdr_shop_menu We translate our site now. It will be accessible soon.
  23. In "WorkBench" will publish how-to make stitch pony by yourself. Photos, drawings and instructions.
  24. We have one more e-book for leathercrafters - Ancient Russian Ornamentation. This is Patterns Pack consist of 20 pages. It is include 5 book cover patterns, 2 brief cases patterns plus additional ornaments. These patterns are big and complex. Ancient Russian Ornament was took from designs of Ivan Feodorov (XVI century). Ivan was a pioneer of typography in Russia. And I added little How-to carving the Russian ornament. All patterns used in real things by myself. Printed book you can buy in LC&S - http://www.leathercraftersjournal.com/product.cfm?product=552 it include 11 durable/reusable 8.5”x11” pre-printed pattern transparencies. E-book you can find here - https://www.etsy.com/ru/listing/399300903/monograms-passport-covers-patterns-pack - $4 only.
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