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  1. I would like to build a Sam Stagg skeleton-style saddle, possibly leaving the rear of the cantle exposed. But the maker--not a complaint, at all--marked the rear of the cantle with style, date, etc with a black marker. Is there a way to remove that without damaging the rawhide or varnish? Thanks, Hugh
  2. Got it OT. Thanks so much. So there's no "filler" piece? Just the top and bottom covers of the horn?
  3. Hi all. I have the Stohlman books and have studied sites online on saddle construction. I'm working on an old-time, halfseat saddle. All of the tutorials I find for covering horns have the top layer of the horn cover with the wings attached, but the antique saddles had/have a separate piece that covers the rear portion of the cover, with a small screw through it into the top layer of the actual horn cover. When doing this type of horn, can anyone refer me to where I could see how the parts are assembled beneath this piece, the order of construction, the patterns, etc? Thanks, Hugh
  4. There is a Barge now being labeled as original, 1950s, etc. Is it really? Is it good?
  5. I know if I asked for "the best glue/contact cement for saddle building" I'd get lots of opinions. Does anyone have a suggestion as to which product to definitely stay away from?
  6. I don't want this to appear as a knock on a company, so I won't give the name. I ordered a tree and it just came in. It appears that one of the nails holding the hide, stitching, etc. was too long for where it was driven, and it's creating a bump on the top side of the tree. (It's still contained under the hide but very raised). It is exactly where the stirrup leather will go around and has to be addressed. What is the proper solution?
  7. The story is her horse slipped and rolled in mud from several days' worth of rain. What is the process? Rinse the mud? Let it dry and knock it off as dirt? Second step? Third step? I've cleaned a few that were lightly soiled, but this is well beyond that. Thanks, Hugh
  8. I'm still kind of new to all of this, but have been following along on tutorials, other sites, etc, but have come across something that has me puzzled. I have a ca 1950s [what we call a] dogging saddle. Basically slick fork with a very low, very sloped cantle with Cheyenne roll. I've been using it to introduce horses to a saddle because, should they roll, there's nothing there to hang up, drag, etc. But anyway, I digress. The stitching on the horn cover has torn and "opened"--for lack of a better term--revealing the insides. It is a Mexican/pelican style horn, and from looking at pictures on here, I know that what i can see are the four nails that went through the horn cover and--supposedly--into the tree originally. But, there's no rawhide around the horn. It is steel, and the "bowl" under where the horn cap should be is just a hollow bowl of steel. Inside the bowl, there are some chunks of something unidentifiable to me. It looks almost like clay, broken into dried chunks. If you scratch a rough edge on lumber, etc, it marks it like chalk. I've been wanting to try my hand at some stitching, and would like to do this repair. But I need to know what to put back in the bowl, etc. I'll try to get some pics in the next day or so if this isn't a clear enough description. Any advice/information would be appreciated. Hugh
  9. Cards ordered. Thanks for all the help and info, Denise and Dennis. Now if I could just get someone to respond to my other posts.....LOL Hugh
  10. Every time I try to send email to the address on his site, it comes back as not deliverable. I want to order a set of cards, but also want to know the availability/wait time before I send billing info online. Anyone heard from him lately? Hugh
  11. Am toying with the idea of buidling a "new old" saddle, and am doing some online research. There are some things I can't find answers to, and if I do this, I'm going to want to do it "all the way" authentic, with the exception, of course of needing bars to fit my horses. So, these are things I'm wondering about. I've seen it reported that the Cheyenne roll came about in 1874. Can anyone confirm this? Direct quote from a site: "Sheepskin first started appearing on western saddles around 1880" Is this accurate? And how early were rivets used on saddles? I've seen pictures of some antiques that have them, but could the rivets be a later repair? Sorry if these are strange questions, but I've got the basic half-seat, Sam Stagg rigging, etc. figured out. But really want to be able to specifically place its time period. Thanks for any help. Hugh
  12. www.siegelofca.com. That's all I've seen. Was just curious.
  13. Has anyone tried the golden bark skirting from Siegel of California? Comments? Positive/negative? Thanks, Hugh
  14. I have seen several references on the forum regarding an article in a magazine/journal about building a Sam Stagg rigged saddle. Would be willing to purchase the magazine, or could compensate someone if they were willing to do a scan and email it or run a copy and regular mail it to me. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Hugh
  15. There are some links on here referring to "a member" who had built a half-seat saddle, blogged it, etc. I've followed the link, and it is very well-done. Anyone know how I can find Don--the builder "member"--on here? Thanks, Hugh
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