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Everything posted by TimG

  1. Thanks for all the replies. I'll definitely check out some of this vinegaroon. Do you have to make it yourself or can it be purchased? Sounds like its buffing time for me for now....
  2. Not heard of Resoline...guess I could look into that. Can I still apply that after everything else I've put on it or do I need to use something to remove some of the finish I've put on? I did use Feibings Oil dye but finished with Super Sheen.
  3. First off, howdy all! This is my first post since signing up. I just finished making my first leather project! I made an IWB holster for a newly acquired Ruger P345 that also holds my 5.11 tactical knife. I think I did pretty well for my first time. I made the pattern and all fits well I just had a couple of things that I ended up doing in hindsight that would have looked better if part of the original design. I was going to use standard leather belt loops but did not cut the body high enough for where I wanted them so I added the kydex clips after the fact. Also added a kydex piece to reinforce the holster mouth. Could look much cleaner if that had been part of the actual design. Next iteration should look much better. This has proved to be very comfortable and functional. It holds this fairly heavy weapon quite comfortable. My main issue though is I dyed it and let it dry. I put on one coat of pure NeatsFoot oil and let it dry. Then I applied a few coats of Super Sheen and let it dry. It has been like 4 days now and I still get dye from the holster on the inside of my clothing. Is this normal?
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