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About Paddy58

  • Birthday 11/22/1952

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bellevue, WA
  • Interests
    Banjo playing, beekeeping, baseball

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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Bing search

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New Member (1/4)

  1. Massive, good reply. Thanks.
  2. Thanks. That's kinda what I thought. The portability and price were attractive, but I think I'll save my pennies for a better option.
  3. Thanks for all the informative replies. I knew that this was the right place to check. I have little money to spend and none to waste, so based on the information I've received here, I think I'll just save my pennies for one of the machines I see advertised on this site. I'd just as soon give my money to those who have helped support this site with their advertising dollars anyways.
  4. Hello. My name is Patrick. Most folks call me Paddy. My wife calls me things you can't put on a family site. Anyway, I'm new to the leather sewing machine world and was wondering if anybody had any experience with the Sailrite brand of machines. I am interested in machines that will sew medium weight veg-tan for uses such as dog collars and leashes, belts, wallets, handbags, etc. The person I'm dealing with is confident that it will be more than adequate for what I need and I semi-trust him in that he has already told me that the walking foot that comes with the machine could mar the surface of the leather, but that another foot is available for that. I just though I would solicit the opinions of those that really do know this stuff and who don't have a dog in the fight, as in trying to sell me something. However, if Cobra Steve (or any other representative of a machine manufacturer) would like to comment, please feel free.
  5. Paddy58


    I think that the clock is one of nicest pieces of nostalgia I've ever seen. Sure to be an heirloom in your family for generations to come. Nice job!
  6. That is precisely what I had in mind for my wife. I hope I do it that nicely.
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