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Ohio Howie

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Everything posted by Ohio Howie

  1. Hey guys. I am making a hobble style key fob and I am stuck. I have a 9" length of doubled over 4 plait round braids to form a loop at one end and now I am at the other end of the braid and need to figure out making those 8 tag ends into a round knot. Any suggestions? Thanks MH
  2. THANK YOU!!!!
  3. I have been searching the internet for videos. No luck! I did manage to figure it out...sort of....it will work for what I need. Thanks for the help.
  4. I have been braiding mostly in paracord for years. My main focus was whips and quirts. Recently I have been making a lot of horse items involving a lot of 4 plait loop into an 8 plait round braid...and those are not almost seamless for me. I have used flat braids for pretty much wrist loops on whips. I can sort of see what David is driving at....but I was not using the amount of strands he was and trying to do it with half as many in paracord. I wanted to make a new binocular strap for an archery tournament coming up and wanted to go with a flat braid. Easy enough to start off of a ring and go...its just finishing it to another that has me stumped. I can do it...it just doesn't look right....its to obvious.
  5. That is the one. I guess if you do it enough or have been shown its easy...and maybe to him its as clear as glass on the instruction...but not to me. I left me feeling like an idiot that I could not follow it!
  6. Hi all! I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on what to do to end a flat braid. Say its on a belt or sling. I mostly use paracord and I am very stuck at this point. I looked in David Morgans book and it shows looping the braid through a d-ring and shows like 4 pictures with a LOT of instructions. I could not follow it. I want to do a bino sling and can start the braid on a clasp but not sure how to end it with out it looking like a melted mess. Thanks!
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