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Everything posted by toasty1435

  1. Right now I'm using the Aleenes tacky glue which works pretty well, it's water soluble which is nice for clean up but sometimes when I'm burnishing the edges the laminated pieces can separate. I've read a lot of people recommending the Weldwood gel that can found at Tags and lowes, but is this what I want to use and do I need to thin it down? Thanks.
  2. OK thanks for the help everyone, I'm just getting started into doing this and this was only my second strap I made so I'm still learning a lot.
  3. Ok so sounds like I can just use a knife? I currently only have an X-acto, is there any other kind of knife that would be better/sharper/easier to use? Any other tips for such a clean cut like this?
  4. Hey I really like how this cut out for the watch tang is squared instead of the oblong punch I usually see. Is there a rectangular punch somewhere or what is the technique for cutting a small notch like that so cleanly?
  5. Ok what's better the pro oil ones or the regular fiebings dye?
  6. Hi everyone, this is my first time posting here. Just about a month ago I got into leather working because I wanted to try to make a few watch straps. Now 5 or 6 tools later and a few veggie tanned hides I have quite the starter kit going on in my shop! I've recently been trying out leather dying and purchased some eco-flo dyes recommended to me by the worker at the Tandy leather store near me. So here's my question: it seems like the dye is just sitting along the surface of the leather, it looks great when dyed but any scratches show the original light color of the leather. Is there some before prep work I need to do to get it to soak in more or is it just that I'm using water based dyes? Here's a picture of what I made. Thanks for any help!
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