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About andalusians2

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    Andalusians of course! Finding a Western saddle that fits!
  1. LlKE THIS??? Hi Guys. Sorry the attachment is so large. Now I just have to learn how to make them smaller. Please have patience. Sandy
  2. Someone please correct me but isn't David Ganedak making saddles to fit more forward like that to set the rider into the sweet spot? Isnt that the fit he is after? Ity seems to me on another thread that he lays this theory out. Am I wrong? S Another thought on difference between Andalusian build and Spanish Mustang build is that the SM becomes more round like a barrel right after the elbow. This leave little space for setting the cinch back. Where as the Andy has more "Girth" space behind the elbow before the ribs extend out. Andalusian2... am I wrong? The common denomnator is that they both have deep well muscled withers where the neck comes down fromthe poll deep into the back as one contiuous line. Both have round well muscled backs. The SM is noarrower than the Andy though. Just some thoughts Hmmmmm. Some new food for thought! My Andy is certainly bigger in size than the SM, but her saddle seems to slide forward into that space just behind the elbow. I always thought that was because the tree doesn't have enough flare. It could well be bridging some even though I can't feel this. This forum has been great in getting me to think before I buy. Wish I could figure out how to post a picture! Thanks sandy
  3. Could this saddle just be placed too far forward by the owner? The cinch looks too close behind the elbow. I'm just trying to learn as much as I can before I have a saddle made for my Andalusian.
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