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  1. should I buff, redye, buff redye repeat until I get the hue i want THEN apply the atom wax THEN the sealant? Can I do this even though there's some atom wax already on it?
  2. So I'm pretty new to leatherworking. I made my own armor for a LARP out of 10oz leather I purchased from Tandy. I went and played my first game with it and it was great. I decided between games to dye the leather and bought some black dye from Tandy as well as some Atom Wax sealer. I cleaned off the surface of the leather and painted on the dye and let it dry until the leather was a hue I wanted. The next day I began to 'buff' on the wax using the sleeve of a clean cotton T-shirt. What I've been noticing is that the dye is coming out of the leather when I try and put the sealant on. Did I do something wrong in the dying process? Is there something I can do to stop this from happening? I've already got a coat of the sealant down over the whole piece and it looks okay. I went to put a second on and dye is still coming off. I'm afraid I can't put more dye on because of the sealant that's already there, but I dont want to lose anymore color sealing it with the Wax and I also don't want it to all run off the first time I'm wearing the armor in the rain. Thanks ahead of time for your advice!
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