Howdy all. I work for Leather Honey which is a family owned business that makes a really great leather conditioner. I wanted to introduce myself and see what leather conditioner you use and if you have tried Leather Honey. We are pretty new to selling online and only have been selling online for less than a year, but have about 148 five star reviews on, with our largest competitor only having 28 five star reviews. I am also looking to expand my knowledge about leather. I know a lot about how to clean leather and how to condition it, but we had a comment on our leather conditioner forum regarding leather companies using leather sealers and whether that was good for the leather, espicially if they are sylicone based sealers. I know nothing about this and would love to know more about leather in general. I hope everyone is doing well. Check Leather Honey out here: Leather Conditioner Leather Honey