I have a small leather shop (partime) in South Texas and I'm in the market for a new sewing machine. I've been using a Ferdco Baby bull for about 12 years, there is nothing wrong with the machine or the stitch in fact it stitches really good. The only thing that I don't like is it's a pressure foot machine, hates to climb and leaves a heck of a line on the top from the pressure foot. I dont do very heavy stitching but probably will someday, the thinnest I sew would be my bifold wallets. They are 5/6 oz lined with 2/3 oz veg tanned at it's thinnest, the thickest would be my ranger belts which are 8/9 oz lined with 2/3 oz and my billets are cut from 10/11 oz. If anyone does about the same work I do and has a Cobra Class 4 or any other machine please share your thoughts. Thanks