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  1. The one pictured says it uses a metal frame. A thin aluminium box does sound best, light but sturdy ( they are surprisingly heavy to carry, especially when full) I've never worked with a metal frame, how well does glue take to it? Is there a particular "The Art of Making Leather Cases" book I should pick up that focuses on these hard sided cases? They usually seem to be forgotten or very briefly discussed in books. Thanks for all the responses
  2. How are these hard case briefcases , such as the one here http://www.swaineadeney.co.uk/products/church45_a/index.html constructed? Some places seem to imply they are made of thick leather sewn together, others seem to have a wooden box which is then covered in leather, and still more seem to be leather wrapped round a steel frame. Some that I have taken apart appear to be leather backed cardboard. Is there a best method to make these cases ( cost not being a factor) or do they all have advantages and disadvantages?
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