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Status Replies posted by Leatherman87

  1. Bulk end strap cutting?

    1. Leatherman87


      Arbor press and a strap end punch?

  2. Anyone interested in custom made die cut mold for leather cutting?

  3. Best place to buy Stainless Roller buckles with out tax id?

  4. a little under 2 weeks before i get my cobra 4 :o)

    1. Leatherman87


      If you can dream it you can

      make it happen. i am prove.

      i make 8.45 an hour and have a

      mortgage and a 15 month

      old son. but i save every

      penny. and i too will have a

      class 3 cobra.

      i havnt been blessed with money

      im just a hard worker. im 25

      years old and i have earned

      everything i have.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. a little under 2 weeks before i get my cobra 4 :o)

  6. a little under 2 weeks before i get my cobra 4 :o)

    1. Leatherman87


      Im ordering from steve also.

      but i dont know if i want the

      3/4 class? you think the 4 is worth the extra?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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