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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    figure carving
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    internet search

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  1. Well..its not finished yet, but this is what I am currently working on
  2. Just found the site a short time back...love seeing the workmanship put forth and the ideas and suggestions shared by so many. I started doing leatherwork back in the late 60's when I was a youngster, Switched over from stamping to carving as a teen, and went to figure carving as a young adult. Stopped many years ago due to time and cost constraints, and just picked it all back up again this past month. Its shocking to see how rusty I am...Oh well..practice...Practice..and MORE Practice.
  3. I am not sure I would use the Double Loop stich on those. You will leave a stich line sticking up, making it somewhat uncomfortable as a handle. I think I would lace it the same as I would a pair of shoes, using latigo lace, pulling tightly as I go, so that the two edges butt up against each other. If you also use a little water to keep things damp as you go, it will dry even more tightly as it drys and shrinks. If you don't like the latigo....maybe your best bet would be hand stiching with thread. Double Loop is best for items "Stacked" together like a wallet edge.
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