I had a basket weave stamp from their deluxe kit break on me, and the camo tool handle bend.
I was working with the leather atop a steel roller bearing, I believe it was way too hard a surface.
They replaced my broken and bent tools, and I cut off a section of a large 1" thick sheet of plastic board, like a cutting board and used it, and finished all the things in the kit without any problems, and the tooling was uniform, deep, and the tools stayed in good shape.
I am remodeling my home so can't invest in a quarts plate quite yet so I'll make do with the plastic.
I will never again do another check book cover as I don't have the patience to do all the fancy lacing, I will do wallets and book covers, etc... Stuff I can lace with the waxed thread with the saddle stitch, I think the other lace looks very corny anyway.