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  1. yeah 500 is the buy it now price ill probably start at 200 with a reserve of 450
  2. well yes i see your point but the thing is i dont have the time to ship piece by piece and have to do all that updating on what is left and i rather it all go at once.
  3. thanks most of the tools are hardly used due to my bad planning and not needing them and ill make sure to set up a gallery to show case each tool
  4. and i would show each piece in its on photo before selling thur ebay
  5. i have a bunch of tools and a bunch i don't need and wanted to sell now the total for the tandy tools i bought is 674.15 with all its sales right now and i have some things you can buy from tandy like coco burnishers and dremel that would bring the total to about 700 ish i was thinking about selling the whole lot for about 500 free shipping and a couple of pieces of leather like a 8 by 11 sheet and a bunch of decent sized scrapes for free to sweeten the deal. Now my question is this a reasonably pricing.
  6. well guys thanks for all the support i am going to do maybe one or 2 more projects then give this a rest
  7. well another thing is im pretty much voice acting alot that is where my time is really being sucked into .... and selling my tools could land me a bit of cash to were i could have a bit of a better audio
  8. here is a small kio fish and a small patch of a marvel superhero
  9. well really my biggest problem is time i use to have the time to be slow and work at was doing but i dont have that much time as i use to between having to work out for my job, taking care of siblings, and just being flat out tired i just find it so hard to get to leather working and then im starting to realize that doing armor leather would be expensive and thats why i started working with leather but never realized it would be so expensive, for a hobby at least.
  10. about a year almost
  11. dealing with discouragement : so how do you, as a leather worker, deal with discouragement in either not being able to get a technique, the response and feed back from others or art websites, or just biting off more then you can chew. My experience so far is mostly frustration and futile efforts leading to wasted hours and a hint of guilty to were im ready to just "close shop" and sell my tools which would catch me a good chunk of change.
  12. capnmeow

    Hellion Mask

  13. i use a one ton habor press i got it for 40 bucks
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAjk-j5m84k watch the creation here
  15. u can get a decent hammer from ebay for 50 ish bucks that looks like the alstohman but arent but there just as good if not better
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