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Everything posted by Texasknight

  1. So I'm still pretty new to leatherwork, but I've made a couple of holsters now, and a few other things. I received $200 for Christmas and I'm not sure what to spend it on. So think back when you first started doing leatherwork, what's the one thing you wished someone had told you to buy that made a big difference in your work? Any suggestions are appreciated. ---Jason
  2. Hello all I'm new to the forum and new to leatherwork. I have made a few holsters but all have been from per cut kits. I really want to make an Avenger style holster but can't seem to find a pattern or how to make a pattern. I really like the ones on Particle's website but I only have an iPad to access the Internet so I can't download his videos. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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