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  1. Hi all, I'm working on a project and have been experimenting with the best way to apply tan kote to vege tanned leather I have dyed with an oil dye. My first try was with a dauber, but it ended with an uneven, streaky finish. The second try was with a damp sponge. I got a more even coat, but will with some streaks and a much less glossy finish. I'd very much appreciate any tips for applying tan kote you can provide. Thanks.
  2. So I've been reading these forums for a few weeks, and I've bought and read a bunch of Al Stohlman books (sewing, case making, tools, etc) as well as Valerie's handbook. All the books are very helpful, but seem to be very light on the "wisdom" side of things - the little things you learn along the way that transform your work from basic to excellent. So I have a bunch of questions, if anyone is able to chime in with an answer or two I'd greatly appreciate it. 1: Should I cut out leather with the flesh or grain side up, or doesn't it matter? 2: When cutting out, what is the best way to ensure multiple pieces fit neatly? Should I over size them and trim after stitching? 3: What is the normal sequence for the major steps? For example: cut out, dye, groove for stitching / crease, bevel edges, wet form (if required), cement, stitch, buff edges, polish. 4: Should dye daubers be soaked in dye, or just a light dab? 5: Do I use bag / tan kote before putting the article together, or after its all done? 6: A specific question about the adjustable Crafttool stitch groover - how to you join lines in the corners at sharp angles, around bag flaps for instance? 7: When using the edge beveller, should the leather be moistened or not? That's about it. Sorry for the barrage, but I'd love to learn from the accumulated wisdom here, rather than making the same mistakes myself. Thanks all!
  3. Hello everyone, I've only very recently taken up leather working as a hobby; just purchased a couple of Stohlman's books, plus the Handbook by Valerie Michael. One of the items I plan to make first is a very simple set of bookmarks, thin (1-1.5mm) leather on one side and vintage kimono silk on the other. Does anyone have experience with glueing silk to leather? From my reading I believe the spray glue from 3M is a good choice, but I'd like to be sure it won't bleed through the light weight silk. Also, does anyone have tips on how to finish the edges? I'd obviously like to avoid the edges of the silk fraying over time, so I'm hoping I can use something to tightly bond the leather and silk together, perhaps a clear epoxy or wax? Any tips would be very gratefully received. Cheers.
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