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Posts posted by dms1

  1. Hello, I bought a "Midas" 7 piece tool set (with Swivel Knife) from the Zach White Leather company that turned out to be a Craftool Basic Seven Tool Set. Anyway the swivel knife blade is so dull I cant even cut my finger if I tried. My question is how sharp should the Swivel knife be? I plan to use my 800 and 1200 grit diamond sharpeners to sharpen the blade, is this ok?

    Also, I see a lot of references to strop the swivel knife blade on cardboard (which I find somewhat humorous) instead of leather - Why not a leather strop? I have several for my Bushcraft and wood carving blades and leather seems to work well.

    Thanks in advance

    Dave S

  2. Hi, I am getting back into the Leather craft hobby to make some Bushcraft Items and some holsters. I purchased a couple of half shoulders last weekend and was wondering what is the best way to store these until I use them? Also what about scrap pieces? I'm not sure if they should be stored in plastic, rolled up (that is how I got them from the store), laid flat etc.

    Does humidity (or lack of) affect the leather?

    How do you guys store your leather?


    Dave S

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