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  1. hello, This is my first post on this very cool forum. If I this question is in the wrong group, I apologize. Background: I am a weirdo, so we do the whole BDSM thing, my question is related to leather wrist cuffs. My wife sleeps with her wrists cuffed every night (it's , 2in cuff that was the natural suede lining). Those cuffs broke after 7 years of sleeping in them for 8+hrs a day. They worked out fine, but she had some issues with sweat, she sleeps hot sometimes and the cuffs get sticky after a while and when it was really hot the dye in the leather would transfer to my wrists leaving some interesting marks :D I will be making the replacement cuffs as a Christmas present. Questions: What lining do you suggest for the cuffs (if any) Consider: - long term contact with skin (8hrs+), needs to be non-toxic as possible! - sweating is an issue so a leather that is not absorbent, but helps reduce sweat. I also rather it not rot my skin. - comfort! - preferred to not be dyed, or be tanned in a method that could cause irritation. What leather should I use for the (outer)cuffs? - how should it be tanned? - How should it be dyed? How should I bond the lining to the outer? I was thinking adhesive, but stitching might be an option. I have attached some photos of the old cuffs for reference. Thank you in advance.
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