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  • Location
    bellingham, wa
  • Interests
    hand sewing leather, motorcycle seats and accessories.

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  • Interested in learning about
    all finishing tecniques
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    my own research in self learning the trade of leather work

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  1. Hey all, I've been teaching myself the leather trade. I'm trying to find a local saddle maker to possibly apprentice with, to really learn all the tricks and touches of the trade. Until then, I have a couple books, a couple hides and and a part time job, allowing me time to practice. I'm due to buy some new thread though, and am torn after all of my research. I've got an idea of what I need but then, don't know how to find the right stuff. I 've been stitching with a no. 6 overstitch wheel (sometimes a 5), and have a range of leather sides that are 3.5 - 8 0z. Hand stitching is my method of choice. I'm curious people's opinions on pre-waxed or not, and linen or nylon. And whatever else, like gauge or strand, brand. I've shopped some online, and book binding thread is closest to what I imagine I should have, but I have no clue its strength or quality, cobblers thread seems more like what I should find. Please help me! There are so many options. Its important for me to use the best materials I can, do it right the first time!
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