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Posts posted by AllBugs

  1. I apologize in advance if this has been posted here before. I tried searching it out, and after 45 minutes of reading threads that didn't answer my question, I figured I'd just post it here.

    Do you have any tips for dyeing the flesh side (the fuzzy back side) of veg tan leather?

    I've been using thinned down Fiebings spirit dyes and they work great for the grain side, but look horrible if I apply them to the flesh side. I've had them soak all the way through so that dark splotches show up on the grain side, and often the edges take in more dye than the rest, so they darken considerably more. I also don't know of a good way to seal the dye in so that it wouldn't bleed all over the place.

    Any ideas? Thanks for any help you all can provide.

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