Hilarious Sand Squid! Nothing beats "custom made," bullets, wine, and holsters. I would like to answer "Little Blue 12's" question.
When Sand Squid mentioned how much time he spent to craft an item he was correct in his analysis.
However, all "manufacturing companies," start the same, a table, ideas, drawings, tools and a mchine or two. Now, with the aforementioned in mind, I suggest you continually hone your craft, with production in mind. Like. . . how could I cut these patterns in batches, can I glue and press more efficiently, etc. Break down each step, and you will find that the leather crafting (manufacturing) business requires as many processess (steps) as the tanning business, twenty six.
Finally, if you are producing and shipping 5 pieces per day, which you sell for $200.00 each, but your material cost is say $150.00, your only labor worries at this point is to ramp up your personal production to the point where you have enough working capital to hire your first part time worker.
I can write volumes on this trade....But I hope you get the point, Oh one last things.....packaging, I have seen some holster manufacturers "hand craft" (can still be machine sewed and "hand crafted") dump a beautiful holster in a poly bag! Why insult your products and customers at the same time? Would Hermes do this? No, no, no! Invest some time in selecting nice tastful packaging, and see your profits soar even more!!