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Posts posted by PutnamLeather

  1. It couldn't hurt to try a lower temp. I've stamped a bit on some old town from Acadia leather and only had a very small problem with that happening. I have just buffed it quickly with a rag and it went away. I've been using a blowtorch to heat my stamps so I have no idea how hot it is. I do know that if it's way to hot the leather will shrink and deform though. The pic is of some saddle bags I just finished with. I stamped my logo with a brass stamp and the dragon I drew on with a wood burner on high.


  2. First off I would junk the ecoflo and go for an oil based dye. But I learned long ago that I prefer oil base due to deeper penetration more even color and it conditions the leather while it's being applied. It has a liquid pigment as opposed to the powder pigment that water based die has and doesn't rub off like water based dye will either. As for an actual finish I like the atom wax finish with a follow up of some waterproofing polish. But that being said.. if you're not married to tooling leather you should look into american harness or english bridal leather that are specifically tanned and treated to withstand all weather conditions. I've gotten them both as thick as 14oz in the past but am hard pressed to find them over 12oz these days. As a last thought.. if you're going to be doing any gluing at all I would recommend the harsh barge cement or something similar over any of the water based stuff because it will dissolve and fall apart if left wet for to long where as barge will hold for almost ever haha. Whatever you chose though good luck!

  3. YouTube it. There's about a million hours of airbrush experience on YouTube from cleaning to streamlining to literally every minute aspect of airbrush types styles and price range. It took me a month to decide what set up was best for me and what I do with mine. Then it took me another month to learn the technique to actually use it. It takes real finesse and and control to get exactly what you're looking for, and some jobs are just not worth the time it takes to set up and tear down and clean up the whole thing. So while they are really great at some things, don't think like I did that it will solve all your problems haha.

  4. Hey everybody.

    I've been a leathersmith for some time now but just recently started using fiebings edge kote. I premade a.... LOT of belts for a show and just the day before noticed that the edge kote was cracking and in some cases flaking off! I burnished the edges and applied the kote with an edge tool and hung them to dry. I've never heard of anyone having this problem before. Did I just get a bad batch.? Not shaken well enough? I've seen some people say you have to melt the edges? Has anybody else had this problem? If so i would really love to know how to fix it. 

  5. 5 hours ago, plinkercases said:

    found this data sheet which give an over all length so you could take an image of a stock and scale it to this length and get a profile in scale... then mock one up out of a hunk of 2x12... mind you there were stock variations so... I would make the straps adjustable a inch or two each way.

    Hope this helps and like to see what you build.


    mauser 96 dims.JPG

    Awesome thank you! I couldn't find anything. I will definitely post the first I shed product as soon as done.

  6. Hello,

    We make custom belts, holsters, wraps, and several other things with cow, kangaroo, stingray, and crocodile.. we have english bridal and traditional american harness leather on hand and can order others if needed. What does the wallet look like and what kind of leather were you thinking of re making it out of? If you like we can talk here or over text. Our phone number is on our website too at Hellhoundleatherco.com and our email is hellhoundleatherco@gmail.com

    I look forward to hearing from you.


  7. Hey guys and dolls. I haven't been on for a long time. How do I search for spacific posts. I'm looking for the hand of God rig tut I saw a few years back and am not sure how to look for it.

    Thanks in advance for any help. If I can ever be of any use let me know.

  8. If I were going to try it I think I would go for 1 - 2oz leather and probably super fine thread with at least 6 or 7 stiches per inch. Pics would be great when you get done too.

    Oh, and you'll probably want to lightly case the leather while its being stiched so it'll streach around the pipe and not let the thread tear through the leather.

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