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Everything posted by Jvk

  1. Hi, we have a brand new pair of custom western show chaps in purple. They match the show shirt in artificial light, but not in sunlight. They are too grapey, with pink undertones. We need to do something to darken them up so that they have more of an egg plant color...blue undertones. I am thinking I will try to dye them in the washing machine, but I need advice. Should I use a navy blue or denim blue? And how much rit dye? Or, please tell me that someone knows someone that does this professionally so I can send them to him/her.
  2. This is an older, round skirt saddle with rawhide cantle, stirrups and wrapped horn. It is, I believe, a barrel saddle. Stamped, "Hereford brand tex tan yoakum." I've scoured the web, but can't even find another saddle like it. I'd love info on approximate age, history, value. Thanks for your input.
  3. This is an older, round skirt saddle with rawhide cantle, stirrups and wrapped horn. It is, I believe, a barrel saddle. Stamped, "Hereford brand tex tan yoakum." id attach a pict, but I've no idea how to. Thanks for your input.
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