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Posts posted by whitewolf81

  1. I am fairly new to leather work and have a couple of questions about making a holster. I bought a kit for a holster at Tandy and plan to tool it like one of the suggested patterns. I also want to mold it to my gun. I am aware that you can lose some of the tooling by wet molding it, but a employee at the store said that I could dip it in water for a few seconds and that should be enough to mold it. There are a couple of sections in the pattern that I would like to dye black (mostly the background) my question is when do I do this step? Common sense would say that it should be done after it has completly dried from the wet molding, but bear in mind I'm new at this. Am I correct on this? Then after that dries do I apply the Super Sheen? The instructions say to do all the finishing before assembling it, but it doesn't mention anything about molding. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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