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About ManChild

  • Birthday July 21

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Phoenix Arizona
  • Interests
    I'm in the SCA so making leather accessories for costume and making leather armor for fighting

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    I'm a newbie.
  • Interested in learning about
    Masks, Helms and helmets and Armour out of leather
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Browsing for leather patterns

ManChild's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/4)

  1. I forgot to mention, I have a ton of stuff not listed on my site that I could get you real cheap. books, mallets, holders. just contact me if i can help. JOHN

  2. contact me at usedleathertools.com and I can get you set up with anything you need. I can start you out cheaper than by going and getting new. Let me know if you are interested. No hard salesmanship here. Just offering friendly help.

  3. Thanks again for the help you guys! Are Round knives really necessary, or are they a specialty knife that's made to look cool? Probably a very newb question to ask.
  4. Alright, I'm another one of those lurkers! I've been reading this forum a lot! I am going to be going into the Air Force and have been playing with leather as a hobby. My extent of my tools consist of a rotary hole punch, a sewing chisel (little four pronged thingy), and a box cutter. I'm part of the SCA, and have made a helmet, a baldric, and a couple of bracers. I'm fairly artistic and a perfectionist. so while my items definitely carry the mark of a novice, they still look nice. I can't help but feel that there is a much easier way to accomplish my goals... Any help is certainly welcome, from tips and techniques. I plan on making more things like baldrics, knife sheaths, bags, as well as things like jackets and vests Thanks to all of the talented people who are going to be helping me out there
  5. ManChild


    I do believe you mean Latigo Leather, t's leather that has been treated to stiffen and limit stretch of the leather.
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